Wednesday, December 30, 2009

FOODS Heaven

Actually, those have been storing as a draft for such a long time...

Event : tidbits
Location:My Sweet Home
Date: 28-30/12/09

Bird's nest soup
My mum stewed the Bird's nest soup last night.

Bird nest soup is a delicacy in Chinese Cuisine. The edible bird's nests are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. The nests have been traditionally used in Chinese cooking for over 400 years, most often as bird's nest soup.

When dissolved in water, the birds' nests have a gelatinous texture used for soup or sweet tong sui.

The benefits of consuming ( Copy from Internet)


- I just Knew that I cant consume any Tea after enjoying the birds nest soup.


My little brother came back from langkawi last night , he bought a pack of a laugage size chocolate, i guess it cost around RM 300++

Krispy Kreme doughnut

This is one of doughnuts i love besides big Apples, this can be found in KL supermarket.


  1. y no ajak me to ur hse n having it de~~~~
    冰糖燕窝more delicious!!!!

  2. mann i love bird's nest soup too even IF its made from spit!!! <333

    i eat it like once every monthish and used to bought from website sometimes, my mom went back to hong kong and bought a full suitcase of it cause its cheaper there XD
